Tertiary Higher Education Database Subscription
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11,200+ records
Further and Higher (Tertiary) Education in the UK is provided by a wide range of complementary and sometimes competing organisations, from Sixth Form colleges (which used to be part of the schools system) through to a much expanded Universities sector. In between there is a range of Higher and Further Education Colleges, some of which specialise in the Arts or Agriculture. The Higher Education sector is distinguished from the Further Education sector by its ability to award Degrees, although some Further Education Colleges run Higher Education courses which lead to an external degree, awarded by an Higher Education College or University.
£2,500.00 (£3,000.00 incl VAT) for 1 year
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You are purchasing a 12 month subscription to a dataset which is a comma separated spreadsheet (.csv). Data is updated on a weekly basis. Up-to-date downloads are accessible in your Client Dashboard on this site. Numbers below are indicative and subject to change as data is continually monitored and updated.
Breakdown of the Oscar Further and Higher Education Database
Counts and coverage is shown by the key selection areas of the database. The figures are re-calculated every 24 hours based on the latest research.
Further and Higher Education organisation types breakdown
Further and Higher Education categories and functions breakdown
Most senior ‘non executive’ contact
The most senior Executive Contact
Some organisations have specific Deputy Chief Officer posts, distinct to other Top Level Directors – e.g. Deputy Chief Constables in Police Forces
Most senior Administrative contact. Specific and in some cases statutory post
Senior Director who reports directly to the Chief Officer
Assistant Director or Head of Service that reports to a Director or equivalent
Responsible for developing policies and strategies around the promoting of and increasing the revenue from services provided by the organisation (including Academic and Training Courses in Further and Higher Education)
Central management of administrative support services provided for other departments.
Involves advising/planning in connection with strategic issues and developing systematic processes to enable, general organisational development, expenditure programmes and services to be evaluated and optimised.
Responsible for ensuring services are provided efficiently and effectively to the public. This is likely to include points of direct contact with the organisation.
Strategic role concerned with service delivery from a logistical perspective. Often involves co-ordinating partnerships with other organisations.
Internal provision of printing services for the organisiation
Monitoring the services provided by the organisation/department against predefined standards.
Provide engineering and building maintenance services in relation to the organisations buildings, heating, ventilation, electrical and plumbing services.
Promoting the organisation (College or University) to international students and developing networks of educational institutions around the world
Promoting the image and services provided by the organisation
Responsible for the provision of Education, or a particular subject area(s) within Colleges and Universities
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Accountancy Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Adult/Community Education Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Agriculture/Land Based Studies Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Anthropology Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Archaeology Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Architecture Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Arts/Creative Studies Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Beauty/Hairdressing Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Biosciences Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Botany Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Business/Management Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Chemistry Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Classics
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Computing/IT Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Construction Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Cultural Studies Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Defence Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Dentistry Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Design Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Digital Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Divinity/Religion Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Economics Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Education Courses
Contacts within Further and Higher Education responsible for the provision of courses electronically
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Electronics Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Engineering Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering English Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Environment Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Food Technology Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Foundation Studies Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Geography Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Geology Courses
Head of an Academic Department within a College or University
Head of Faculty/Department within a College or University
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Health/Care Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering History Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Horticulture/Gardening Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Hospitality Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Humanities Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Law Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Life Sciences Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Marketing Studies Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Mathematics/Statistics Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Media Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Medicine Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Midwifery Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Mining Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Modern Languages Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Music Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Nursing Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Other Department or Speciality Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Performing Arts/Drama Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering training graduates to become Teacher
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Pharmaceutical Studies Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Philosophy Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Physical Sciences Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Physics Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Planning (Town/Transport etc) Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Politics Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Postgraduate Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Psychiatry Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Psychology Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Recreation/Leisure Courses
Responsible for compiling, maintaining and providing information relating to students, staff and courses within Colleges and Universities
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Science Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Sixth Form Studies Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Social Sciences Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Sociology Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Sport Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Technology Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Tourism Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Veterinary Sciences Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Vocational Studies Courses
Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Zoology Courses
Deals with inquiries from potential students wishing to enter the College or University
Provide advice and guidance to Students within Colleges and Universities
Provide learning opportunities for mature students – can include part time and distance learning courses.
Responsible for providing basic medical care within Colleges and Universities
Staff members of the Student Unions within Colleges and Universities
Offering support and guidance to students within Colleges and Universities – this can take the form of financial support, counseling, help with child care etc
Responsible for developing and implementing strategies and policies to broaden inclusion within Higher Education from all social groups – including mature students, socially disadvantaged and minority groups
Overall responsibility for financial services in the organisation
Manages central, departmental and service accounts.
Responsible for ensuring wages are paid on time and in accordance with statutory regulations
Responsible for running the organisations Pension Scheme – includes ensuring legal compliance, investments and dealing with claims.
Management and running of the organisations restaurants; cafes; bars; etc. and contracts with outside caterers.
In charge of in-house IT for the whole organisation and management of contracts with outsourced/contracted IT. Responsible for corporate policies and related purchasing.
Responsible for managing, and in some cases providing, data and other electronic information
Responsible for the development of the organisations website.
Involved with ensuring networks and computer systems are optimised to avoid viruses, theft and other forms of damage
Manages departmental / organisation wide computer network(s)
Overseeing telecommunications facilities and bought-in services.
Management of the use of energy by the organisation
Overall and day-to-day management of all kinds of property owned by the organisation. Depending on the organisation type can include offices, depots, hospitals, classrooms, public buildings, smallholdings and farms, etc.
Internal implementation of legislative requirements concerned with the safety of employees and members of the public within publicly run/owned buildings
Responsible for the safety of property, facilities and personnel.
Manage and provide accommodation for students within colleges and universities. This includes the organisations own accommodation and providing advise, support and information regarding ‘off campus’ housing options
All kinds of in-house and outsourced legal work.
Manage, file, store and retrieve archive material relating to the administrative area covered by the organisation
Management of the organisations Libraries – this includes management of branch and central libraries in the case of Local Authorities
Management, development and research of in-house records and information services and systems.
Setting up partnerships with other public and private organisations and generally seeking “joined-up” approaches to the provision of public services.
Human resource and personnel management for the organisation as a whole. Day-to-day management may be delegated to departments in larger organisations
Ensuring that in-house management and external services meet legislative requirements and developing policies and programmes to advance all kinds of equality in the administrative area.
Central management of major contracts that the organisation has with service providers
Management of some or all of an organisations purchasing processes; including lists of approved suppliers; bulk purchases; organisation wide standards and annual contracts.
Management of training budget; organising specific training events and liaising with training consultants/providers.
Further and Higher Education seniority breakdown
Further and Higher Education regional breakdown